Co je tohle za sparchantely config v 59755:37021 , peron-d1 ?
tyden se s tim m0rim, a po kazde se ulozi v debilnim UTF-8 BOOM. Opravim , ulozim , a zase , 80x za sebou. Otevru a zase vidim ten idiotsky -BOOM-. jak to mam ulozit, aby to ulozilo do cistyho UTF-8 ?
Tady je ten zlobivy config:
kuid <kuid:59755:37021>
kind "track"
initiator "peron_d1_end"
terminator "peron_d1_start"
endlenght 6
length 7
istrack 0
width 7
height -0.6
light 1
trainz-build 1.3
category-class "SP"
category-region-0 "HU"
category-era-0 "1970s;1980s;1990s;2000s"
asset-filename "peron_d1"
username "peron_d1"
author "kBagyula"
organisation "H0TTrainz Hungarian Model Railroading Team"
contact-email ""
contact-website ""
license "Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by kBagyula, Szeged (Csongrad), Hungary (e-mail address:
The package may be redistributed freely, as long as the package's version it is marked as a public release version and as long as the content of the package is unchanged, i.e. no files have been added, removed or changed. The package may not be sold, neither solely nor as a part of a compilation, without written permission of the author. Parts of the package, e.g. textures, images, objects or similar, may not be reused without consent of the author. KUIDs assigned to the objects may not be changed or »kidnapped« for other objects.
The package is provided on an »as is« bases, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The entire risk as to the quality of the covered package is with you. Should the content of the package prove defective in any respect, you (and not the author) assume the cost of any necessary servicing, repair or correction. This dislaimer of warranty constititues an essential part of this license. No use of the content of the package is authorized herunder except under this disclaimer.
By making this package available to third parties somehow, including, but not limited to, by putting it on-line or by distributing it on a storage medium, the publisher agrees to fully accept this license agreement and to waive any other license agreement that might be applicable.
A H0 TTrainz Team fenntartja a szerzoi jogat minden olyan altala elkeszített modellert, amely a
HTTP:// oldalaira-ra lett feltoltve es a webhelyrol elerheto, publikus.
A Szerzok es a webhely üzemeltetoi garanciat vallalnak a SAJAT modelljeikre, amelyet
alapos teszteles utan tekintenek publikusnak.
A weboldalunkon elerhetoek lesznek olyan modellek is amelyek
a 'BETA verzio' vagy '*_beta' .cdp kiterjesztesu filenevre vegzodnek.
Ezek teszt alatt allo felkesz projectek amik azert publikusak, hogy a nagyobb
nyilvanossag is tesztelhesse azokat.
Amennyiben atfestest (repaint-ot) keszítenel barmely modellrol, irasban kerj engedelyt a szerzotol!
Kiegeszítoink felkerulhetnek kulonbozo ujsagok CD mellekleteire, de errol elozetes tajekoztatast kerunk!
A H0TTrainz TEAM:
Garanciat NEM vallal azonban azokra a masok altal
(nem a H0TTRAINZ TEAM altal) keszített es
feltoltott modellrert, amelyeket barki a webhely publikus
(download) reszerol letolt, illetve felhasznal, terjeszt.
Eszrevetellel fordulj a e-mail cimre, vagy latogasd meg weblapunk a
HTTP:// cimen!"
image "$peron_59755.jpg"
width 240
height 180