od hora » čtv 29. kvě 2014 18:41:15
Zdravím, tiše jsem dofal, že odpovíte zrovna vy. Někdy je to knihovna KernelStandard.dll. Teď jsem to zkusil a vypadlo tohle :
Jet vRRRRR.RR Build 1234.5.QQQQQ on Oct 19 2004 at 17:57:17.
- 000013A0 Prog 1:55.5 Trainz : TrainzHIDLoader> TrainzHID.dll initialised
? 000013A0 Warn 2:21.1 Trainz : Train 'SHINKANSEN Series700 RailStar <2>' is rolling stock - should not have FONTS
- 000013A0 Prog 2:24.0 Trainz : DriverCommandRule.SetProperties> 11 commands loaded
- 000013A0 Prog 2:24.0 Trainz : DriverCommandRule.CreateCommandsNow> 0 commands removed
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.0 Trainz : DriverCommandRule.CreateCommandsNow> 11 commands added
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.2 Trainz : router message from 0327 'SHINKANSEN Series700 RailStar <1> 2' to 0000 '', message Vehicle, Coupled
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.2 Trainz : router message from 0328 'SHINKANSEN Series700 RailStar <2> 1' to 0000 '', message Vehicle, Coupled
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.2 Trainz : router message from 0328 'SHINKANSEN Series700 RailStar <2> 1' to 0000 '', message Vehicle, Coupled
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.2 Trainz : router message from 0329 'SHINKANSEN Series700 RailStar <2> 2' to 0000 '', message Vehicle, Coupled
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.2 Trainz : router message from 0329 'SHINKANSEN Series700 RailStar <2> 2' to 0000 '', message Vehicle, Coupled
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.2 Trainz : router message from 0330 'SHINKANSEN Series700 RailStar <1> 1' to 0000 '', message Vehicle, Coupled
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.2 Trainz : router message from 0011 '' to 0326 '', message Permit, Granted
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.2 Trainz : router message from 0011 '' to 0326 '', message Permit, Granted
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.2 Trainz : router message from 0011 '' to 0326 '', message Permit, Granted
- 000013A0 Prog 2:26.2 Trainz : router message from 0011 '' to 0326 '', message Permit, Granted
- 000013A0 Prog 2:27.1 Trainz : router message from 2885 '' to 0000 '', message Signal, StateChanged
- 000013A0 Prog 2:27.1 Trainz : router message from 2882 '' to 0000 '', message Signal, StateChanged
- 000013A0 Prog 2:27.1 Trainz : router message from 2388 '' to 0000 '', message Signal, StateChanged
- 000013A0 Prog 2:27.1 Trainz : router message from 2885 '' to 0000 '', message Signal, StateChanged
- 000013A0 Prog 2:27.1 Trainz : router message from 2882 '' to 0000 '', message Signal, StateChanged
- 000013A0 Prog 2:27.1 Trainz : router message from 2388 '' to 0000 '', message Signal, StateChanged
- 000013A0 Prog 3:58.3 Trainz : GSNode::RequestMessage> source is not attached to router
- 000013A0 Prog 3:58.3 Trainz : GSNode::RequestMessage> source is not attached to router
- 000013A0 Prog 3:58.3 Trainz : GSNode::RequestMessage> source is not attached to router
! 000013A0 Err 4:12.7 ExceptionHandle : Critical Shutdown ...
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.0 ExceptionHandle : Exception ...
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : Class: Hardware
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : Reason: Access Violation
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle :
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : Exception @ 004C6D75 in E:\TRAINZ\bin\trainz.exe
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle :
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : Recoverable exception: Yes
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle :
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : EAX: 00000001 EBX: 00000004 ECX: 0000FC00 EDX: 1B2E3594
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : ESP: 00189BB4 EBP: 261C75B4 ESI: 261C7598 EDI: 00010000
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle :
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : DS: 0000002B FS: 00000053
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : ES: 0000002B GS: 0000002B
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : SS: 0000002B CS:EIP: 0023:004C6D75
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle :
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : Flags: 00010283 (CF:1 ZF:0 SF:1)
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle :
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : Call Stack:
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle :
! 000013A0 Err 4:13.1 ExceptionHandle : 004C6D75 - 00000001(+C5D75) E:\TRAINZ\bin\trainz.exe
Podotýkám, že jsem složil asi tři mapy, které se mi obzvláště povedly, ale asi to nehrá roli, protože vypadávala každá z nich i samotná. Jinak tam mám Intel Core 2,8 GHz a paměť 8 Gb. Tu konfiguraci zkusím nastavit, mám tam trochu jinou kombinaci.
Taky to padá při přechodu z Editoru do Strojvůdce a nazpět. Když vypadnu z Editoru do hlavního menu a potom přepnu na Strojvůdce tak ne. Ale při ukončení Strojvůdce to padá taky. Díky.